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REF BX9099 .F37 1915 v. 7 Scott, Hew, 1791-1872. Fasti ecclesi scotican

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The Eev. W. S. Crockett. D.D., Minister of Tweedsmuir, Convener and

General Editor.

Francis James Grant, W.S., Kothesay Herald and Lyon Clerk, Vice-Convener

and Joint-Editor.

The Eev. Professor James MacKinnon, D.D., Ph.D. Sir James Balfour Paul, K.C.V.O., LL.D. The Eev. Arthur Pollok Sym, D.D.


The Very Eev. David Paul, D.D., LL.D.,


The Eev. Professor Baxter, B.D., St Andrews

The Eev. Professor Mackinnon, D D., Ph.D., Edinburgh

The Eev. Thomas Burns, D.D., Edinburgh

The Eev. W. W. Coats, D.D., Brechin

The Eev. J. T. Cox, D.D., Dyce

The Eev. J. King Hewison, D.D., Eothesay

The Eev. A. M'Neill Houston, D.D., Auchterderran

The Eev. Joseph Mitchell, D.D., Mauchline The Eev. Harry Smith, D.D., Heriot The Eev. Arthur P. Sym, D.D., Lilliesleaf The Eev. J. E. Aitken, M.A., Edinburgh The Eev. James W. Blake, M.A., Temple The Eev. John Burleigh, Ednam The Eev. Andrew Burns, Fenwick The Eev. J. A. Cameron, B.D., Legerwood

The Eev. A. J. Campbell, B.A., Glasgow

The Eev. Alexander A. Duncan, B.D., Auchterless

The Eev. Eichard Henderson, B.D., Longside

The Eev. James F. Leishman, M.A.,

Linton The Eev. Angus J. Macdonald, Killearnan The Eev. Alex. M. MacGregor, Lochryan The Eev. John Mutrhead, B.D., Avendale

The Eev. John W. Murray, B.A. (Oxon.), Manor

The Eev. W. H. Porter, Cults, Pitlessie

The Eev. William Stephen, B.D., Inver-


C. E. W. Macpherson, C.A., Edinburgh

Sir James Balfour Paul, K.C.V.O., LL.D., Edinburgh

Thomas Eeld, M.A., Lanark

J. H. Stevenson, M.B.E., K.C., Edinburgh









Revised and continued to the Present Time under the Superintendence of a Committee appointed by the General Assembly











With the present Volume the work of preparing a new edition of Fasti Ecclesice Scoticance comes to a completion. The genesis of the undertaking may be recalled. An Overture was presented to the General Assembly in the following terms :

" Whereas the publication known as Dr Hew Scott's Fasti Ecclesioz Scoticance contains valuable information relative to the ministers of the Church from an early period ; whereas it is desirable to continue a record of the succession of ministers in the various parishes since the date of that publication; and whereas this can be most conveniently carried out by a Committee representing the Church : It is humbly Overtured by the undersigned Members of the House to the Venerable the General Assembly to appoint a Committee to collect material for the continuance of the record up to the present date ; or to do otherwise as the Assembly may see fit."

Of eight signatories it may be stated that three only survive, while of ten members who constituted the Editorial Committee of 1914, four only remain.

During the earlier stages of conference as to the precise arrangement of the work, a decision was arrived at which entirely altered its original design of merely continuing Dr Hew Scott's Fasti from 1839 to the present time. That decision involved a complete revision of all Dr Scott's Volumes, and to this extended scheme the General Assembly gave cordial approval. The seven Volumes now issued, therefore, have been compiled and re-written following a careful perusal, not only of the documents (chiefly Presbytery Registers) available to Dr Scott, but also of numerous others to which he had no access, and which, indeed, were unknown to him, many of them having been discovered within recent years. In addition, the Editors have had the advantage of reading a very large number of Local, Family and General Histories published since Dr Scott's day. Full use has been made of the important Separate Registers belonging to the different Presbyteries : thus most of what is purely domestic information in the


shape of family details, etc. has been derived from official sources. Further, much genealogical data has come from the parochial and other documents preserved in H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh, to which the officials thereof gave courteous and ready access. An extensive correspondence with surviving relatives and friends of ministers has also ensured completeness and correctness as far as possible, for the records here brought together.

These Volumes, possible only through much arduous research, have been undertaken by the Editors as a labour of love, and the work has been published without expense to the Church. The Editors think it right to say that the publishers, Messrs Oliver & Boyd, have borne the brunt of the printing costs which have been considerable, aided by small bonuses provided by friends of the Church.

Having now reached the end of their long- and difficult task, the Editors rejoice to be able to place before the Church and the public a compilation of much more than ecclesiastical importance, and of which critics have declared that it is a work necessary for a true elucidation of the national spirit and of the national history.

The present Volume (in which Dr Scott's original work ends at page 320) contains material assembled from many quarters and from many lands. Never before has the story of the Church of Scotland in England, Ireland, on the Continent of Europe, in the British Colonies, and in America, been told in biographical detail, and the notices of Indian Chaplains, Foreign and Jewish Missionaries are here given for the first time. The biographies of the Episcopal period, as also those pertaining to the Scottish Universities, and the carefully-collated list of Moderators, have been added in order to make this Fasti of the Church a full record of all who have served her in the ministry from the Reformation to the present year. The Volume now issued has been brought up to date.

Many helpers have assisted in the preparation of this Volume. Of these the Committee record their thanks to the following :

The various Clerks of Presbyteries; Rev. Angus Macdonald, minister of Killearnan ; Rev. Donald Beaton, minister of Free Presbyterian Church, Wick: Rev. Donald Mackinnon, minister of Free Church, Portree; Rev. Professor J. H. Baxter and the late James Maitland Anderson, LL.D., St Andrews; The late Very Rev. James Nicoll Ogilvie, D.D. ; Rev. John M. Russell, D.D., Cape Town; Rev. John Burgess, DD., Clerk of New South Wales General


Assembly; Rev. W. Floyd Shannon, Clerk of Presbyterian Church in South Australia; Rev. James H. Mackenzie, Clerk of Assembly of Presbyterian Church of New Zealand ; Rev. Professor John T. M'Neill, D.D., Toronto, Canada; Rev. Ewen M'Dougall, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ; Rev. J. M. Hunt, Kingston, Jamaica ; Rev. Duncan Macfarlane, Grenada , Rev. J. W. MacGill, Colvend (formerly of British Guiana) ; Kenneth Macleod Black, London ; R. S. Robson, Newcastle- upon - Tyne ; John Mark, Newcastle - upon - Tyne ; Robert Hyslop, Sunderland; William R. Shaw, Manchester; W. M. M'Lachlan, M.A., W.S., Secretary of Foreign Mission Committee; Thomas Henderson, Secretary of Church Overseas Committee ; Rev. William Deans, Secretary of Jewish Mission Committee, and the Superintendent of Records, India Office, Whitehall, London.

W. S. Crockett. Francis J. Grant.

April 1928.



Abreviations .......... xii

Synod of Boss

I. Presbytery of Chanonry ....... 1

II. Presbytery of Dingwall ....... 25

III. Presbytery of Tain 52

Synod of Sutherland and Caithness

I. Presbytery of Dornoch ....... 77

II. Presbytery of Tongue . . . . . . . 101

III. Presbytery of Caithness ....... 112

Synod of Glenelg

I. Presbytery of Lochcarron ....... 144

II. Presbytery of Skye ........ 166

III. Presbytery of Uist 185

IV. Presbytery of Lewis ....... 199

Synod of Orkney

I. Presbytery of Kirkwall ....... 210

II. Presbytery of Cairston ....... 234

III. Presbytery of Tbe North Isles ...... 258

Synod of Shetland

I. Presbytery of Lerwick ....... 279

II. Presbytery of Burravoe ....... 295

III. Presbytery of Olnafirth 306

Archbishops .......... 321

Bishops . . . . . . . . . . 329

The Universities of Scotland ....... 357

Moderators of the General Assembly ...... 436

Army and Navy Chaplains ........ 448

Chaplains to Infirmaries and Others ...... 454

Chaplains to Prisons ........ 455

Synod of the Scottish Church in England

I. Presbytery of North, of England ...... 457

II. Presbytery of West of England ...... 464

III. Presbytery of London ....... 466

Charges in England, now Extinct or Merged with other Congregations 471

Ireland .......... 526


The Church of Scotland Oveeseas- Continent of Europe Belgium France Germany Holland Italy . Switzerland The Mediterranean

Continent of Africa Egypt

East Africa. (Kenya Colony) Mpdeira Mauritius South Africa .

Continent of Asia Burma Ceylon

India (Indian Chapla Simla . China Palestine

Commonwealth of Australia

Australia ......

Tasmania ......

Fiji . .

New Zealand .....

Continent of America

Dominion of Canada (Maritime Provinces) Cape Breton ..... New Brunswick .... Nova Scotia ..... Prince Edward Island

Dominion of Canada (Western Provinces) Ontario and Quebec ....

Dominion of Canada (North-Western Provinces)-

534 535 536

537 555 556 556

557 558 558 558 560

566 566 568 582 582 582



602 602

606 608 612



Manitoba, etc. ....


British Columbia ....


Newfoundland .....


Bermuda ......


United States of America




British West Indies- Antigua

The Bahama Island: Grenada . Jamaica St Vincent Tobago

Central America British Honduras .

South America British Guiana Argentina . Chile

Patagonia . Peru

Foreign Missionaries .....

Jewish Missionaries .....

Bibliography of Church and Parish Histories, etc.

Index of Parishes and Chapels (Scotland and England)

Index of Ministers ......

666 666 667 668- 671 671


672 680 685 684 684








. admitted

marr. .



. appointed

min. .




ord. .




pres. .

. presented


. contract


. presbytery


pro. .

. proclaimed


. demitted

res. .



. deposed

s.p. .

. without issue


. inducted


. translated










The Kegister of the Synod of Eoss begins at 18th March 1707. As the Presbytery of Eoss there is a volume commencing 25th July 1693, and ending 12th December 1701.


[This Court was already at work in 1592. Its Register begins at 14th January 1707, with a blank from 6th February 1753 to 14th September 1762.]


[The church of Avoch belonged to the Abbey of Kinloss. Its prebend was held by the chantor of the Cathedral of Fortrose. At Ormond Castle, in this parish, there was a chapel of St Mary, and near it was Our Lady's Well. At Killeain there was a chapel of St John.]

ALEXANDER PEDDER, vicar at the 1560 Reformation ; died in 1569.


ANDREW MYLNE, exhorter ; pres. to the vicarage by James VI. in 1569, to which Kilmuir- Wester and Ardersier were attached after Nov. 1574 ; app. one of the Visitors of Ross by the Assembly in 1586, and still min. in 1601. [Booke of the Kirk ; Orig. Par. Scot., ii., 541 ; Reg. Mag. Sig., v., 738.]

ALEXANDER HOME, chantor of Ross, gave a tack of the chanter's teinds to Andrew Munro of Davochcartie in 1586.— [Original at Killearnan.]



JAMES LAUDER, of Edinburgh ; 1592); adm. to


educated at Univ. M.A. (12th Aug. Kilmuir- Wester in

1596 ; trans, to Ardersier 1597 ; trans- and adm. before 13th July 1607 ; dem. in favour of his son in 1642, but still mentioned 4th Dec. 1655. He marr. and had issue William, min. of this parish ; James. [Original Charter by Bishop of Ross at Killearnan ; Reg. Mag. Sig., viii. 189, ix. 1293.]

WILLIAM LAUDER, born about 1614, 1642 eldest son of preceding ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1632) ; pres. by Charles I. 11th July 1642 ; was a member of the Commission of Assembly in 1645. He was suspended by the Commission of Assembly for subscrib- ing Seaforth's Remonstrance, 22nd May 1647, and was one of the signatories to the Letter of the Presb. of Chanonry to the Commission approving of their proceedings, 8th May 1651 ; still min. 4th April 1665 and died before 1672. He marr. Katherine, eldest daugh. of Murdoch Mackenzie, chamberlain of Lewis, of the family of Davochmaluag, and had issue William, commissary clerk of Ross. Publication —Elogia XXXVII., XXXVIII. (Forbes's Funeral Sermons). [Geneal. of the Mac- kenzies.]



EODEEICK MACKENZIE, educated 1668 at King's College, Aberdeen ; MA. (8th July 1649) ; passed trials before Presb. of Glasgow and had a testimonial for licence 1st Feb. 1655 ; pres. by Charles II. 15th May 1668; still inin. 25th Feb. 1669.


EODEEICK MACKENZIE of Avoch, son of John M., archdeacon of Eoss and min. of Fodderty; educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1681) ; adm. as deacon ; recommended for ordina- tion 7th March 1683; was a protester in 1694 against the Commission for the North ; died 7th March 1710. A strong Episcopalian, he defied the Presb. and held the benefice till his death. He marr. Elizabeth, daugh. of the Hon. Simon Mackenzie of Lochslin, son of Kenneth, Lord Mackenzie of Kintail, and had issue John of Avoch ; Christina (marr. 1707, Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of Scatwell) ; Isobel (marr. 1705, Alexander Matheson of Bennetsfield) ; Margaret (marr. John MacEae of Drynie) ; Anna (marr. Lewis Grant, min.). [Reg. of Deeds, Mack., 15th July 1712.]

ALEXANDEE M'BEAN, M.A. ; as a 1*712 probationer within the bounds he was called by the Presb. jure devoluto 28th Aug. 1711, but owing to the opposi- tion of the parishioners, who were largely Episcopalians, access could not be got to the church and he was ord. at Eosemarkie 4th June 1712. He was obliged to raise an action in the Court of Session to obtain access to the church. In Aug. 1713 he complained he had been unable to carry on his ministry, the church being still barred against him and the people antagonistic. After much wrangling between heritors, Presb. and Synod, he was given liberty to seek another charge, and was settled at Douglas, Lanarkshire, 28th May 1714.

ALEXANDEE EAE, chaplain to Mrs .„.„ Eoss of Balnagowan ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 13th Jan. 1714 ; called by the Presb. jure devoluto 22nd Sept., and pres. by Alexander Brodie of Lethen 30th Dec. 1715; ord. 28th March 1716; died 15th

Aug. 1735. It was greatly owing to his exertions that a process was raised for recovery of an endowment by Thomas Forbes, bailie of Fortrose, in the hands of Elizabeth, Countess of Seaforth, for support of a minister in that burgh. He marr. Jean Stewart, who survived him. [Re- ligious Life in Ross, 247, 253.]


by Alexander Brodie of Lethen 15th

Dec. 1735; ord. 24th Aug. 1736;

trans, to Third Charge, Inverness, 13th

Nov. 1754.

THOMAS SIMPSON, born 1718 ; licen. 1756 by Presb. of Elgin 1st Nov. 1748; resided in Banff in 1752 ; pres. to Cromarty by William Urquhart of Meldrum, but call was rejected by the Assembly 29th May 1755 ; ord. here 14th April 1756 ; died 22nd Sept. 1786. He marr. (1) 6th Dec. 1756, Isobel, daugh. of George Mackenzie of Pitlundie and Culbo, and had issue William, min. of Strathconan, born 6th Sept. 1757, died 10th May 1799 : (2) 4th Jan. 1759, Isobel, daugh. of George Mac- kenzie of Gruinard and Elizabeth, natural daugh. of Lord President Duncan Forbes of Culloden, and had issue George, born 9th Oct. 1759 ; John, born 14th April 1761 ; Alexander, born 3rd April 1763 ; Jean, born 23rd Dec. 1764, died at Dingwall 31st Oct. 1835 ; Thomas, born 30th Dec. 1766 ; Margaret, born 6th Sept. 1768 ; Eoderick, born 16th May 1770 ; Duncan, merchant, London, born 12th Aug. 1771, died at Bellevue 15th June 1854 ; Geddes, of Tower Street, London, born 4th Feb. 1775. —[Tombst.]

JAMES SMITH, born Aberdeenshire, 1787 1758 ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1782) ; pres. by Miss Brodie of Lethen in July, and ord. 24th Sept. 1787; died 9th Dec. 1830. There was strong opposition to his settlement, the majority of the congrega- tion seceding from the church and joining the Independent (now Congregational) Church to which a large proportion of the parishioners still adhere. S. was much



respected as a consistent and faithful pastor. He left £30 to the poor of the parish. He marr. 3rd Oct. 1789, Alexandrina (died 22nd July 1846, aged 86), daugh. of Alex- ander Houston, provost of Fortrose, and had issue James Brodie, M.A., apprenticed to a W.S., born 1st March 1793, died 27th Oct. 1813 ; Janet Isabel, born 9th Nov. 1794 (marr. Thomas Munro, min. of Kiltearn) ; Mary Ann Grace, born 8th July 1796 (marr. Peter Ferries, min. of Edinkillie) ; Lieut. Edgar, died 27th Oct. 1813; Alexander, died 31st Jan. 1798 ; Penuel Margaret, died May 1801. Publication Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xiv.). [Tombst.]

JAMES GIBSON, born 1800, second son of John G., farmer, Doune, Perth- shire ; educated at Univ. of Edin- burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Linlithgow 1st Oct. 1821 ; pres. by Sir James Wemyss Mackenzie of Scatwell, in whose family he had been tutor, in Jan., and ord. 15th Sept. 1831; D.D. (Glasgow, 28th April 1852), died 16th April 1866. He marr. 4th Nov. 1834, Ann Isabella (died 15th May 1866), daugh. of Thomas Mackenzie of Strath- garve, and had issue John, min. of this parish ; Thomas, born 26th Nov. and died 6th Dec. 1836; Isabella, born 26th Sept. 1837 (marr. Arthur Harvey Alexander, Grenada) ; Margaret Henrietta Wharton, born 3rd and died 23rd May 1839; Ann Mackenzie, born 31st March 1841 (marr. Roderick Hay Nicolson, min. of Apple- cross); Jemima Margaret, born 7th May 1845 (marr. Donald Mackenzie, Hong- Kong). Publication Account of the Parish (New Stat. Ace, xiv.).

JOHN MACKENZIE GIBSON, born 4th Aug. 1835, son of preceding; educated at King's College, Aber- deen ; M.A. (March 1854) ; licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 4th May 1858 ; pres. by James Fletcher of Rosehaugh ; ord. 11th July 1866 ; dem. 1st Dec. 1891 ; died at 22 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh, 22nd Sept. 1916. He marr. 9th Oct. 1889, Elizabeth (died s.p. 28th Aug. 1920), daugh. of John Watson Wemyss, M.D.

ALFRED MORRISON PHILIP, born Inverkeithny, 27th March 1860, son of George Forbes Innes P., min. of New Deer ; educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1880), B.D. (1883) ; licen. by Presb, of Aberdeen in 1883 ; ord. to Crown Court Church, London, 1885; trans, and adm. 11th May 1892; died 14th June 1914. He marr. (1) 16th Aug. 1889, Florence Margaret (died 7th Aug. 1894), daugh. of John Philip, Cape Town, and had issue Colin Cameron, M.B., CM., captain Low- land Field Ambulance in European War, born 21st July 1890; George Morrison, B.Sc, D.S.O., M.C., mentioned three times in despatches, lieut. 12th Northumberland Fusiliers in European War, born 29th March 1892 ; Florence Margaret, born 13th Aug. and died 18th Nov. 1894: (2) 19th Dec. 1900, Isabella Midler, second daugh. of Gavin Catto, Mains of Gight, and had issue Florence Barbara, born 16th Oct.

1901, died 21st Jan. 1902 ; Barbara Violet, born 11th March 1893, died 12th Feb. 1904. Publication The Cathedral Kirk of Ross (Trans. Scot. Eccl. Soc, 1904.)

'-EDWIN JAMES BRECHIN, 1914 k°rn Dundee, 10th Feb. 1874, son of James B. and Mary Nicoll ; edu- cated at Dundee High School and Univ. of St Andrews; M.A. (1897), B.D. (1900); student missionary at Muthil and Unst ; licen. by Presb. of Perth 15th May 1899 ; assistant at Monifieth, St Andrews, Paisley and West Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to Scots Kirk, Paris, 18th May 1902 ; trans, to St James's, Dulwich, London, 7th Feb. 1907 ; trans, and adm. 4th Dec. 1914; general superintendent for France of Scottish Churches' Huts during European War ; O.B.E. (1st Jan. 1919). Marr. 19th May

1902, Theodora Mary, daugh. of William Smith, min. of Unst.


[The old church of Cromarty was dedi- cated to St Benet. Its site has been overflowed, and is now covered by the sea. A convent of the Red Friars was founded at Cromarty by Sir Patrick



Murray in 1271. There were in this parish chapels of St Duthac, St Rule, and St Michael. Cromarty had also Wells of Our Lady, St Benet, and St Duthac. The Gaelic chapel in the town was built by George Eoss of Cromarty in 1783.]

JOHN ANDERSON, chamberlain of

1S60 Moray ; vicar at the Reformation ;

refusing to conform was allowed by

the Privy Council, Feb. 1562, to retain

two-thirds of the emoluments ; died 1582.

JAMES BURNET, reader 1569 to 1569 1574.

JOHN ROBERTSON, removed from „,.. Chanonry, holding also the Treasury of Ross ; returned to Chanonry about 1578.


ROBERT WILLIAMSON, educated at Univ. of St Andrews in 1577; reader at Monykeback in 1578 ; adm. to Nigg (Aberdeen) in 1580 ; pres. to the vicarage by James VI. on death of John Anderson, 29th Jan. 1582. In 1583 the heritors were ordered by the Privy Council to pay him the teinds of the vicarage of Cromarty " under pain of warding in the Castle of Blackness." He was named by the Privy Council one of those for the maintenance of true religion in the Sheriff- doms of Inverness and Cromarty 6th March 1589. On a flat triangular stone in the eastern part of the town his initials with those of his wife are inscribed with date 1593.— [Booke of the Kirk.]

WILLIAM LUNAN, MA. ; adm. before 2nd Nov. 1638. The Presb. of Turriff was ordered by the General Assembly, 13th Feb. 1645, to proceed to his excommuni- cation. He was afterwards min.. of Daviot.

GILBERT ANDERSON of Udol in this 1642 Parish' born 1597 ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1626); adm. to Cawdor before 30th Oct. 1627 ; trans, and adm. between 5th Oct. 1641 and 11th Jan. 1642 ; died Nov. 1655. He railed against his patron and family several times from the pulpit, according to Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty, "with such opprob-


rious tonnes, more like a scolding tripe- seller's wife than good minister, squirting the poyson of detraction and abominable falshood (unfit for the chaire of verity) in the eares of his tenandry, who were the onely auditors." He marr. Elizabeth Bruce (who marr. (2) Andrew Ross, min. of Tarbat) and had issue Hugh, min. of this parish. [Urquhart's Jewel (1652) ; Kirkton's Hist., 96 ; Brodie's Diary ; Family of Dallas, 286.]

HUGH ANDERSON of Udol, born 1656 about 1633, son of preceding, edu- cated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1651); was regent there in 1652; adm. 1656 ; deprived by Act of Parliament and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662, but was allowed to remain unmolested'until after assisting at the Communion at Obs- dale House (now Dalmore) in Sept. 1675, when he retired to Udol ; restored in 1690 ; died 3rd June 1704. Hugh Miller says he lived a part of the time in Moray. He marr. Grizel, daugh. of John Row, Principal of King's College, Aberdeen, and had issue Barbara, born Jan. 1661, died March 1663 ; Hugh, min. of Drainie, born 1666 ; Alex- ander, min. of Duffus, born 28th Aug. 1672 ; Grizel (marr. Mr Crombie, merchant in Elgin). [Wodrow's Hist, ii., 333 ; Bass Bock, 239, 241 ; Covenanters in Moray and Boss, 60, 189, 192; Orem's Old Aberdeen; Tombst.]

THOMAS URQUHART, son of Alex- 1673 an(*er U-, bailie ; was min. in 1673 ; deprived in 1678; was alive in 1684 according to a Summons of Adjudication against him, Sir John Urquhart, and others, by John Macleod of Milton. [Cromartie Writs; Inverness Sas., iv., 243-4, 21st Nov. 1673.]


BERNARD MACKENZIE, born 1657 ; fifth son of Captain Daniel M. and Nance Dunbar of Avoch, and grand- son of Major Bernard M., who fell at Auld- earn 9th May 1645 ; had a bursary from Presb. of Dingwall 25th Nov. 1673; was sent to King's College, Aberdeen, by Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth, who app. him schoolmaster of Fortrose ; ord. by Bishop



of Eoss ; pres. to this charge 2nd July and adm. Aug. 1678; deprived by the Act restoring Presbyterian ministers 25th April 1690. In the year 1689 with other Episco- pal ministers he petitioned King William, complaining that although they had taken the oath of allegiance, they were deprived of their benefices and denied admission to parishes to which they had been elected. He intruded at Tranent in 1691 but was ordered by Parliament, 9th July 1695, to remove by August. Dr George Mackenzie states that he received from King William a yearly pension of £50 as collector of the rents of the bishopric of Eoss. He appears as chamberlain of the bishopric before 1700 and held that post for several years. Hugh Miller observes that he " was a quiet, timid sort of man with little force of character, but what served his turn equally well, a good deal of cunning," a character not borne out by established facts. He purchased the estate of Sandilands ; died there 30th July 1713 and was buried at Fortrose. He marr. Jean, daugh. of Alexander Clunes of Dunskeath, and had issue Alexander of Sandilands and Kinnock, M.D., born 1678, died 26th Sept. 1722; George in Cromarty; John, shipmaster, Cromarty ; Lilias (marr. Andrew Bayne in Cromarty) ; Anna, bapt. 23rd Nov. 1683. [Acts of Pari., ix., 423, App., 119 ; Services of Heirs ; Dr George Mackenzie's MS. History of the Mackenzies ; Allangrange Writs ; Inver- ness Sas., vi., 345 ; Covenanters in Moray and Hoss, 190.]

HUGH ANDEESON, M.A., above 16go mentioned; restored by Act of Parliament reinstating Presbyterian ministers in 1690.

GEOEGE GOBDON, adm. to Eose- 17Q(7 markie 25th April 1700; trans, and adm. 1st April 1707 ; died 28th Dec. 1749. He was reputed an excellent man and faithful preacher. He marr. (1) Mary Forrester, and had issue Ann, born 13th Feb. 1708; Janet, born 11th Feb. 1709; Mary, born 23rd April 1711; Ann, born 10th Dec. 1712 : (2) Jean Moffat, widow of John Fraser, min. of Alness. [Religious Life in Ross, 257.]

[JAMES BOBEETSON, a native of the parish, called in 1750, the Presb. being instructed by the General Assembly to proceed with his settlement, 17th May

1751, but he withdrew his acceptance on appointment as Professor of Hebrew in Univ. of Edinburgh {q.v.)\

PATEICK HENDEBSON, born Clatt 17 educated at King's College, Aber deen; M.A. (2nd April 1747) licen. by Presb. of Ellon 4th Oct. 1748 ord. by Presb. of Deer as assistant at Pitsligo; adm. Sept. 1751; but the settle- ment was reversed by a majority of one vote in the Commission of Assembly, June

1752, on appeal by William Urquhart of Meldrum, who had presented Thomas Simpson. He was again called 9th Oct. and re-adm. 28th Nov. 1753; dep. for immorality. [Moren's Annals, 292, 366 ; Scots Mag., xiv.]

JAMES MUNEO, born Eoss-shire, 1716, 1>JS5 son of James M. and Elspet Mackay ; ' educated at King's College, Aberdeen, 1730-4 ; became schoolmaster at Golspie and Auldearn, and master of Grammar School, Elgin ; licen. by Presb. of Elgin 20th Nov. 1750; ord. 27th Aug. 1755; died 6th Sept. 1789. He marr. (1) 28th Dec. 1738, Elspeth Murray, who died 29th May 1762, and had issue James, born 25th Sept. 1739, died 1771 ; Jean, died in infancy ; Margaret, born 6th July 1749, died 1768 ; William, born 20th Nov. 1751 ; Anne, born 10th May 1754 (marr. Thomas Fraser), died 1814; Jean, born 9th May 1756, died 8th March 1839; Elizabeth, born 1st Aug. 1758, died in infancy : (2) 25th Jan. 1763, Mary Stark, who died 6th April 1822, aged 80, and had issue Mary, born 12th Oct. 1764, died young; Jean, born 17th Jan. 1767 (marr. Eobert Hall); Mary, born 8th March 1768, died young; Alexander, born 26th March 1769 ; George Eoss, min. of Huntly, born 10th Nov. 1770 ; James, cabinet - maker, went to Pictou, Nova Scotia, born 1st July 1772 ; Isobel, born 26th Aug. 1773 (marr. 16th July 1803, James Cromar, rector of Aberdeen Grammar School); Arthur, born 4th Sept. 1774, died young; Charles, writer, Stonehaven, born




9th April 1777 ; Mary, born 1st Dec. 1780, died 19th Feb. 1863 ; Hugh, born 4th Oct. 1782 ; John Spens, merchant, London ; Catherine, died in infancy. [Tombst.]

ROBEET SMITH, born Inverness, 1764, son of Eobert S. ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen; MA. (30th March 1784) ; tutor in family of Donald Macleod of Geanies ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 12th Dec. 1787 ; pres. by George III. 9th June 1788; ord. (assistant and successor) 21st May 1789; died 20th March 1824. He marr. 5th Oct. 1791, Isobel (died 16th Jan. 1844), daugh. of Hugh Rose of Aitnoch, factor on the Sutherland Estate, and had issue— Catherine, born 25th March 1794; Hugh, born 3rd Nov. 1795 ; Robert, born 30th July 1797; Barbara, born 14th May 1799; John, born 19th Jan. 1801, adm. min. of Beckwith, Canada, 3rd Nov. 1833, died there 18th April 1851 ; Margaret Crawford, born 29th Nov. 1802 (marr. 28th April 1821, Dr George Macdonald); Helen, born 14th Dec. 1804 (marr. 28th Oct. 1852, John James Aitchison, M.D., Elmsley, Canada) ; Robert, born 15th Aug. 1807 ; Isabella Gair, born 30th Jan. 1811 (marr. 12th Sept. 1835, George Romanes, LL.D., Professor of Greek, Queen's College, Kings- ton, Canada, and -was mother of George John R., LL.D., biologist). Publication Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, v.). [Croil's Church in Canada, 90; Tombst.]

ALEXANDER STEWART, bora Moulin, Perthshire, 25th Sept. 1794, son of Alexander S., min. of Canon- gate, Edinburgh ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen, and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Lorn in 1822 ; ord. to Chapel-of-Ease, Rothesay, 10th Feb. 1824 ; pres. by George IV. in June, trans, and adm. 23rd Sept. 1824. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Cromarty, 1843-7 ; elected to Free St George's, Edinburgh (as successor to Dr Candlish), but died before induction, 5th Nov. 1847, of a fever brought on by the excitement of his impending removal. He was reckoned one of the most eminent preachers in the Church. Hugh Miller



wrote warmly of his extraordinary gifts in that capacity. Publications— The Tree of Promise (Edinburgh, 1864) ; Man's , Redemption, the Joy of Angels, a sermon on 1 Peter i. 12 (Precious Seed Discourses) (Edinburgh, 1877); The Mosaic Sacrifices (Edinburgh, 1883).— [Memoir by Alexander Beith, D.D.]

ADAM HALL, Keen, by Presb. of Edin- burgh ; ord. to Fisherton 7th March 1842 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 19th Aug., trans, and adm. 26th Sept. 1843; died 14th April 1846.

GEORGE RUSSELL, seventh son of Allan R., Lanarkshire ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. to Leadhills in 1843 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 29th May, trans, and adm. 27th Aug. 1846 ; died 8th April 1876. He marr. 12th Nov. 1846, Pringle (died s.p. 8th Oct. 1873), youngest daugh. of John Gray of Harrietsfield, Roxburghshire.



WALTER SCOTT, born 1st June 1846, son of James S., min. of Dirleton ; educated at Parish School, Royal High School and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (April 1868); licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh ; assistant at Greenock ; ord. army chaplain at Colchester and Warley by Presb. of London 3rd May 1876; adm. here 14th Sept. that year ; died 3rd Feb. 1925. He marr. (1) 22nd Dec. 1876, Ann (died 24th Sept. 1880), second daugh. of Alexander Allan, Edinburgh, and had issue Mina Alexandra Allan, born 13th Oct.

1877 (marr. George Ernest Romanes of Pitcalzean) ; James Walter Montague, Vancouver, served in 42nd Batt. Canadian Army in European War, born 28th Dec.

1878 : (2) 12th Nov. 1885, Mary Ann, third daugh. of Dr William Brydon, C.B., surgeon in the army, "the last man "of the Cabul retreat, 1842, and had issue Walter Francis Brydon, farmer, Navity, Cromarty, bom 15th Aug. 1886.

GORDON MOORE, born Lauder, 5th June 1885, son of William M., school- master and provost of Lauder, and Elsie Swinton ; educated at Lauder School and Univs. of Edinburgh, M.A. (1908) and



St Andrews, B.D. (1915); licen. by Presb. of Earlston 27th April 1915 ; locum tenens at St Stephen's Parish Church, Inverness ; ord. there (as such) 21st Dec. 1915 ; adm. here (assistant and successor) 25th April 1917. Marr. 25th April 1918, Isabella Simpson, daugh. of James Fraser, min. of Greenbank, and has issue— William, born 8th March 1919 ; James Fraser, born 13th Nov. 1923; Gordon Mackenzie, born 12th June 1925.


[Built in 1783 by George Ross of Cromarty, known as "the Scotch Agent," for the use of the Gaelic speaking people employed in his factory at Cromarty.]

ALEXANDER MACADAM, pres. by George III. in March, and ord. 25th Sept. 1782 ; trans, to Nigg 23rd Oct.



WILLIAM ROSS, born Tain, 1739; educated at King's College, Aber- deen ; ord. to Rothiemurchus 25th March 1783; pres. by George III. 18th March, trans, and adm. 18th Aug. 1788 ; died 12th Nov. 1799.— [Tombst.]

HUGH ROSS, M.A. ; pres. by George III. Dec. 1799; adm. 25th March



1800; trans, to Fearn 13th April


ALEXANDER MACLEOD, born Sutherland, 1777 ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th March 1798); licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 3rd, and ord. missionary at Kincardine and Creich 4th April 1804 ; pres. by George III. 10th May, and adm. in 1809 ; died 20th June 1821.

ALEXANDER MACLEOD, pres. by George 'IV. 18th Sept. 1821 ; trans, from Gaelic Chapel, Dundee, and

adm. that year ; trans, to Uig 21st April


JOHN FINLAYSON, born Ross-shire,

1787 ; educated at King's College,

Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th March 1814) ;

licen. by Presb, of Selkirk 2nd April 1822 ;



pres. by George IV. 10th Aug. 1824 ; ord. (at Chanonry) 29th March 1825 ; died 18th Jan. 1833. He marr. Christina, daugh. of John Hoyes, min. of Kinloss, and had issue John Hoyes, went to Kingston, Jamaica ; Jessie Reid (marr. 1853, John Sinclair Mac- phail, min. of Free Church, Benbecula). [Tombst.]

JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; pres. by William TV. 8th March, and ord. 25th Dec. 1833 ; trans, to Rosskeen 19th Sept. 1843.

HUGH ROSS MACKENZIE, trans. lg4? from Tongue; pres. by the Presb. jure devoluto on a petition from the con- gregation ; adm. 21st Oct. 1847 ; trans, to Third Charge, Inverness, 8th June 1848.

JOHN MACLENNAN, born Ross-shire, 1849 "^^ > educated at King's College Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1808) ; ord. (by Presb. of Abernethy) as min. of Bel- fast, Prince Edward Island, 1823 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 6th Dec. 1848 ; adm. 22nd Feb. 1849 ; adm. to Kilchrenan, 28th Aug. 1851 (cf. Vol. IV., 93). His daugh. Eliza marr. Daniel Miner Gordon, C.M.G., D.D., LL.D., Principal of Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada, died 1910. [Gregg's Hist, of Canadian Church, 274 ; Macleod's Hist, of Presbyterianism in Prince Edward Island, 99.]

WALTER ROSS MUNRO, born 1820 185„ son of John M., min. of U.P. Church Nigg ; educated at Marischal Col- lege, Aberdeen, and United Secession Hall in 1840 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 2nd Dec. 1851 ; adm. 15th April 1852 ; dep. by the General Assembly 1st June 1874.

DAVID MACKENZIE, trans, from _ Govan Chapel ; elected 8th March and adm. 12th May 1875; trans, to Lairg 23rd Jan. 1884.

DONALD MACLEOD, ord. 30th April 1885 ; trans, to Tarbat 19th May



WILLIAM CAMERON, M.A.; ord. 10th Dec. 1885 ; trans, to Poolewe Sept. 1888.





ANDBEW MACPHEBSON,born Inver- ness, 1832, son of John M., estate steward, and Ann Fraser ; became teacher of English in Koyal Academy, Inverness ; educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 185V) ; assistant at Tighnabruaich, missionary at Guisachan, 1864-9; ord. to Tobermory 19th March 1872; dem. 18th May 1882; assistant at Killearnan in 1889 ; adm. here 1st March 1893 ; died 26th Jan. 1918.

[The congregation was dissolved in 1918.]



[The parish church of Fortrose was dedicated to St Curadan, who ministered on this side of the Black Isle. He died in 716. The See of Boss was founded by King David I. in 1128. In or about 1309 the Cathedral of St Peter was built at Fortrose. By order of King James VI. the lead was stripped off the roofs of its choir and aisles in 1572. The stately fabric was in use as the parish church of Fortrose until near the middle of the seventeenth century. Oliver Cromwell razed the most part of the building, and took its stones to Inverness, where he was erecting a fort. What remained was burned by accident in 1662. On 2nd Feb. 1670, this parish was united to Bosemarkie. A church was opened 11th April 1841. The parish was disjoined again quoad sacra 17th March 1873. There were of old, in the Cathedral, chapels of St Nicholas and St Katherine. Near it was a Well of St Curadan. Fortrose held a Whitsunday fair, and also fairs of St Peter and St Curadan.]

WILLIAM HAY, reader in 1569 and 1569 in 1580.

JOHN BOBEBTSON, min. of Urquhart 15„ . (Ferintosh) in 1 565 ; was charged by the Assembly, 28th June 1565, with leaving his vocation and was required to enter again thereto under pain of dis- obedience to the Kirk ; was app. by the

Assembly, 5th June 1570, to assist the Commissioner of Boss who was not con- versant with the Gaelic tongue and was again commissioned to visit Caithness and Sutherland ; trans, and adm. about 1574, with Bosemarkie and Cromarty in the charge ; removed to Cromarty about 1576, but returned before 1578, holding also the Treasury of Boss. In June of that year he was app. Commissioner for Boss but was delated in Oct. following for remaining half a year in Edinburgh and failing to discharge his duty as visitor and min. His commission for Boss was renewed by the Assembly Oct. 1580 and Oct. 1581. In the latter year he